Sığacık and Sığacık Harbour from the southeast (Kadıoğlu, 2021, 300, Figure 133)
The North Harbour of the ancient city is located in Sığacık Bay, approximately 1.5 km north of the ancient theatre. No remains of the ancient harbour, abandoned since the 15th century, have survived in this area. The ancient writer Livy referred to the city’s Northern Harbour as ‘Portus Geraesticus’ and mentioned that its entrance was not wide enough to accommodate the passage of two boats at the same time. According to the geographer Strabo, this harbour, which was located 30 stadia (4.7 km) away from the ancient city, was known as ‘Gerrhaiidai’.
The fact that many travellers did not provide any information about the ancient harbour despite anchoring in Sığacık Harbour could be because the ruins of the ancient harbour pier were not visible, possibly because Sığacık Castle was built on the remains of the ancient harbour pier.
Archaeological map of Teos and its surroundings (Kadıoğlu, 2021, 25, Map 4)