The Archaic fortification (Kadıoğlu, 2021, 143, Figure 51a)

The architectural remains of the city provide only limited information about the urban development of Teos in the first half of the 6th century BC. Archaeological research carried out since 2010 identified an irregular wall made of near-rectangular hard limestone blocks surrounding the Acropolis in the north, northeast and east directions has been documented.

Considering that, as Herodotus told us, Harpagus conquered Teos by crossing the walls using earth ramps, this high terrace wall could be associated with the Archaic City Wall surrounding the Acropolis. The construction technique and the absence of chiselling on the surface of the blocks of the terracing wall, indeed support a dating in the first half of the 6th century BC. In addition, petrographic and chemical analyses carried out on samples taken from this terracing wall and from the Classical and Hellenistic city walls indicate that the blocks used in the Acropolis Terracing Wall/Archaic Wall were taken from the uppermost layers of the quarry, confirming that they are earlier than the walls of the Classical and Hellenistic periods.

Archaeological map of Teos and its surroundings (Kadıoğlu, 2021, 25, Map 4)